Tanya Busse. Poetens motgift (A Poet's Antidote), 2019. Still from video.


16 february – 14 april 2019


The exhibition “Undercurrents” delves into the intricate workings of government and state mechanisms by examining the perceived truths and narratives of freedom, patriotism and utopia. It sheds light on the fact that contemporary populist parties and authoritarian regimes often employ techniques similar to those used during the darkest moments of the 20th century to persuade voters. These political movements often rely on vague promises of an idealized world and ambiguous ideologies.

This simplification of complex issues poses a significant threat to democratic values as it ignores the nuances that make up our reality. The desire for simplification in an increasingly problematic world is understandable, yet this approach leaves little room for the complexities and intricacies that shape our world. Populist movements often incorporate falsehood and denial into their political agenda, leading to a foundation of lies that slowly infiltrate both state institutions and society.

More information can be found in the Folder (available only in Swedish).

Participating artists

In his series Utopia of a Beautiful Life Kalle Lampela examines the aesthetics of desirable narratives imposed by totalitarian regimes, allowing a look behind idealized imagery into the void caused by discrepancy between reality and propaganda

Tanya Busse addresses the military presence in the Arctic, and its relationship to land through cold war architecture and resources extractive industries. Busse prompts us to reflection the unbalanced dynamics of humans with nature, and gestures towards the possibility of a more holistic view of the world

These two perspectives are complemented by Peter Johansson’s body of work, in which he is critically examining the narrative of Swedish culture and identity building, particularly with the military’s role in mind.

Kalle Lampela. Galina Spoludennaja, 2016. Drawing.