Creative Residency for Sustainability

How can new forms of collaboration between art, business and art institutions be relevant to sustainability?

On 22 September, at 14:00 CET/15:00 EET, you are invited to hear more about the Creative Residency for Sustainability pilot project. In the spring of 2023, Boden Business Park hosted a seven-week residency (in Norrbotten, Sweden) with artist Pilar de Burgos. Havremagasinet acted as a bridge between the parties. The aim of the residency was to generate new dialogues and meetings on the topic of sustainability through artistic interventions.

The event will revolve around this collaborative journey between the artist, Boden business park and Havremagasinet. You will hear the presentation of the step-by-step process, the artistic approach created during the residency and lessons learned from the journey. You can attend in person at Havremagasinet (Boden, Sweden), or online – for the first part of the event (the presentation is in English).


The address of the event on site:
Havremagasinet Länskonsthall Boden – Norrbottensvägen 18, Boden.
Zoom link for the online session will be sent to the registered participants.

Contact person for the event on site:
(+46) 921 930 41

If you have any questions about the online event, you can contact:


This event is part of the NDPC-led project “Creative Cross-Innovations for Sustainability” which aims to support the emergence of creative cross-innovations where professionals in the arts, culture and creative fields cross over to other sectors of society in new forms of collaboration. The project is implemented by the lead partner Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture, funded by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and supported by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.