HavreCINE WITH Pablo Sigg

02 november – from 17.00 to 20.00


On a few Thursdays this autumn, we’re hosting HavreCine at Havremagasinet! During this event, we will be screening two films from Pablo Sigg’s LAMALAND TRILOGY: TOTENTANZ, which had its world premiere at Viennale 2023 (Vienna’s international film festival), and LAMALAND (TEIL I: SATAN), premiered back in 2018 at the Rotterdam International Film Festival.

The director will be present, and there will be a conversation held during the evening.

TOTENTANZ (Dance of Death)
BW / German / Mexico – Switzerland, 2023
93 min (English subtitles)

After destroying each other in a cold August afternoon, the last two survivors of the Aryan colony founded by Friedrich Nietzsche’s sister in the Paraguayan jungle meet again in an afterworld analogous to the world, where the struggle between master and servant, love and discord, day and night, darkness and light, still persists.

Watch the trailer

LAMALAND. TEIL I: SATAN (Lamaland. Part I: Satan)
Colour & BW / German / Mexico – Switzerland, 2018
66 min (English subtitles)

Fated to live in a radical state of isolation in the paradise lost called Nueva Germania, the two surviving descendants of the Aryan colony founded by Friedrich Nietzsche’s sister in the Paraguayan jungle have their ultimate destiny revealed to them through a spontaneous breakdown of the fossilized order of their daily existence. It is as if the dark forces of time, the gods of the air and of the elements were calling for the end of the men who dreamt of a world with one history, one language, one deity, one race and one territory.

about the director

Pablo Sigg (1974, Mexico). Film director, founder of the Mexican-Swiss production office SIGGFILM. 2009-2012: produces, writes and directs DER WILLE ZUR MACHT, a documentary about the last survivors of the Aryan colony Nueva Germania in the Paraguayan jungle. Premiere in 2013 in Germany at the Dresden State Theatre, despite protests from local ultra-right wing groups. 2012-2014: produces, writes and directs I, OF WHOM I KNOW NOTHING, a film about Samuel Beckett and his British publisher John Calder. The legendary Beckett actress Billie Whitelaw appears for the last time on screen. 2011-2024: produces, writes and directs the fiction saga LAMALAND, a film trilogy starring Friedrich and Max Josef Schweikhart, two descendants of the colony founded in 1886 by Friedrich Nietzsche’s sister at the southern end of the Amazon rainforest.
