200 women
6 june – 30 september 2018
”You can’t empower women without listening to their stories.”
—Gloria Steinem
200 Women was inspired by that belief and the simple idea of persuading two hundred women in different parts of the world—regardless of nationality, race, religion, status or celebrity—to be photographed and filmed in front of a plain sheet of fabric. The project is founded on two hundred original interviews where two hundred women are asked five fundamental questions about what is most important to them in their life. The goal was for diversity, and above all, authenticity.
200 Women: Who Will Change the Way You See the World portrays some of these remarkable stories with photographic portraits and video interviews designed to provoke thought on diversity and equality through the stories of 200 women from around the world.
The project’s creators Geoff Blackwell and Ruth Hobday, along with photographer Kieran E. Scott, sought to cut away distractions and the visual context of each woman’s life and to simply focus on her humanity as they asked: What really matters to you? What brings you happiness? What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? What would you change if you could? Which single word do you most identify with?
More information can be found in the Folder (available only in Swedish).