Stig Lundgren. Painting.

After The boden School

28 june – 28 september 2014


You can not overestimate the value of local cultural history. Fourteen artists from the fifties, called The Boden School, are responsible for writing a big part of that history in Norrbotten. They also came to play an important role, not only for the city but the whole county’s art scene.

Therefore Havremagasinet has granted one floor of the building to the artists of the Boden School during the summer. We present these treasures at the top of a building, thus creating a symbolic roof to international contemporary art in an exhibition in the rest of the house.

Boden is a relatively young city with a history intimately associated with the 1900s military defense strategy. The military base attracted people from all over Sweden with many cultural interests. So it came about that Boden’s art guild, already in the 1940’s, staged exhibitions with many of the great names of the art scene. The thirst for education was great and there were courses in drawing, painting and art history in the following years.

The group of artists later came to be known as The Boden School. They were more or less self-taught artists who found each other through workshops and course activities. They never had any artistic manifesto, but they inspired and supported each other, arranged exhibitions and developed together.

One can find more information in the Folder.

Participating artists

Jan-Anders Eriksson

P-O Holmström & Eva Asker

Stig Lundgren

Yessiqa Lövbrand

Bertil Sundstedt

Karin EE von Törne Haern

Bertil Sundstedt. Painting.