15 Feb - 11 May
Victory over the Victory
Is it possible to win a war, who becomes a victor and how should this victory be defined?
Futures. The future is full of uncertainties and opportunities - the decisions we make today shape the world we leave behind. In a time of crises, war and an ongoing green transition, questions of sustainability, equality and democracy are brought to the fore. Art has a unique ability to both reflect the past and imagine alternative futures. In 2025, Havremagasinet Länskonsthall celebrates 15 years. As part of the complex and multicultural history of northern Sweden, we invite you to a year filled with exhibitions and programs exploring the concept of Futures - how we understand the present, learn from the past and create a better tomorrow together.2025 - Curatorial theme for the year is FUTURES. – Mariangela Mendez Prencke
15 Feb - 11 May
Is it possible to win a war, who becomes a victor and how should this victory be defined?
15 Feb - 11 May
An exhibition about war, family ties and questions of guilt
15 Feb - 11 May
15 Feb - 11 May
Havremagasinet's meeting place for young people with Lotta Enström.
Premiere of Babyskoj with art teacher Irene Andersson! Every other Friday, odd weeks.
Kl. 12.30