Demonstration in solidarity with undocumented migrants and the occupation of the Saint Bernard Church in Paris, June 30, 1996. Photo: Bouba Touré.

Spelling Borders

08 JUNE 2024 – 29 september 2024

Vernissage 8 June 


Gränser, ramsor / Spelling Borders is an exhibition about the aesthetic conditions in globalized urbanity and the nation state. From the Million Programme in Göteborg to the military zones of Boden in Sápmi, from the migrant workers’ quarters in Paris to a Pan-African cooperative farm along the Senegal River, the artworks present different ensembles of memories and sensibilities, personal and collective experiences. Borders represent lines of social contradictions, the contours of possible communities, times and geographies that intersect our spiritual and material lives. Spells are naming and articulating, incantations and political chants, the reclaiming of language and memory.

Daniel Terres and Patrik Haggren organized program series, exhibitions and artistic interventions in public spaces under the project Urban Konst at Göteborgs Konsthall from 2017-2023. They were guest editors of the journal Ord&bild, 3-4: 2021 with an issue on urbanity and the categorizations of the art field. Gränser, ramsor / Spelling Borders is part of their ongoing investigation of art’s reproduction of urban contradictions.

The exhibition is shown on floors 1, 5, 6, and is curated by Patrik Haggren and Daniel Terres.

More information about the exhibition will be available soon in the booklet.


Participating artists

Meira Ahmemulić (b.1974 in Halmstad) is an artist and writer. She studied at Valand College of Art in Gothenburg and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Her work has been exhibited at several art institutions in Sweden, most recently at Blå Stället (Angered), GIBCA (Gothenburg International Biennial of Contemporary Art) and Moderna Museet. As an author, she has been published in magazines such as Ord&Bild, Glänta, OEI and Paletten.

Alina Chaiderov (b.1984 i Leningrad) lives in Stockholm, Sweden. Chaiderov explores the relationship between personal and collective memory. Through displacements and movements in sculptural compositions, she addresses such themes as matter, time, body and space. Her sensitive and fragile sculptures and installations are fixed within a conceptual tradition, asserting a vigorous material presence, drawing on the artist’s own souvenirs so to highlight – through the prism of her self-representation – an atmosphere, a wider historical, social and cultural background.

Raphaël Grisey, Born in 1979, lives in Berlin. Grisey uses film, editorial and photographic works in his artistic research practice to address politics of memory, architecture, migration and agriculture.

Hanni Kamaly (b.1988 in Hamar) is a research-based artist working with sculpture, video and performance whose practice examines the political construction of identity throughout history using layered research and a material approach. Kamaly investigates who has the authority to write and display history, as well as how these histories are recorded, embodied, and collected. Kamaly’s works weave together fragments to expose visual culture, ethnography, and history, exposing patriarchal, colonial, racist, and nationalist structures that still exist today.

The Lapin King aka Death from Vittangi. Vandal, cultural producer and petty criminal from Vittangi, Norrbotten. Active in Sápmi and surrounding areas. From the top to the bottom of the map. Writes SUL and LLVL as a gang. Has been a writer for 20 years with minor interruptions from time to time.

 Enver Ramirez (b.1977 in the mountains between Bolivia and Peru) has for the last fifteen years collaborated with the majority of Göteborg’s hip hop scene as a producer and cinematographer for music videos. In the 1990s, he co-founded the rap collective Hammer Hill Click, which paved the way for future generations of hip hop in Sweden’s urban periphery. In 2014 he directed his first short film “STÄMPLADE” which he called “Blattsplotaiton film” inspired by the “Blacksplotation films” of the 1970 ́s and 80 ́s. In 2017 he produced another blattsplotation film, “ALL FOR YOU BROTHER”, directed by Mischa Snicker.

Bouba Touré (1948-2022) lived in Paris and Somankidi Coura, Mali. He lived in France in the Foyer Pinel from 1965 and worked at the metal factory Chausson until 1969. He studied at the Vincennes University and was a projectionist at Cinema 14 Juillet and L’entrepôt, Paris. Photographer since the 1970s, he documented the lives and struggles of migrant workers and peasants in France and Mali. Touré co-founded the Co-op of Somankidi Coura in 1977. In 2015, he published the book Notre case est à Saint Denis, Xérographes Publishers. Since the 1980s, Touré has exhibited works and given talks in associative and foyer’s circles and more recently in art institutions. His photographic work has been presented amongst other places at the Bamako Encounters 2019 and in the Hamburg photography Triennale in 2022.


Alina Chaiderov, The Lapin King and Enver Ramirez. Exhibition view. Photo: Fond & Fond Photographers